It would allow flexibility for a client to make a monthly payment without having to automatic payments come out of their bank account or having to write a check each month. You already have it set up so that the billing is online and not paper, why not make it easier for clients to have payment options?
I need it... | Yesterday (let's go already) |
I am the care taker of a sweet little old lady and we had the online payments set up , but I never received an e-mail when the payment was due. So long story short , her policy lapsed before it even started. If I don't have a bill in front of me or sent to my e-mail how am I supposed to remember to pay it . I am at such a loss right now . How do I come up with the $455.34 to bring her current when all she has is Social security . I could have budgeted it in to her bills but by not having a statement or bill it slipped both our minds .