On our agent website we can only see our gross sales. I would like to see our early deaths and net sales each month, so we know where we are standing with the trip incentive.
We have evaluated this and it will be included as part of a much bigger feature we will be adding later in the year that will include customized reporting widgets. Thanks for the great idea!
I'm glad to see this. I thought for sure I had the trip to Mexico and felt so bad when I was told I had missed it by less than $25,000.
I'd like to see that, too! I keep a spread sheet as best I can, but I want to make sure I don't miss the trip by a little because my numbers are off. I'm going to Costa Rica Next year!! Woo hoo!
Hey Anne! This is a fantastic idea and something we will be working to make live as soon as possible. Keep those ideas coming! Thank you very much. Paul