Add Ph# on "Policy Search" page

Is it possible to add the ph# on the "Policy Search" page where it displays their name and address?
This would eliminate the need to open the contract to obtain their phone number when/if needing to call them in the future.

For, I needed to call Barbara Bruns so I looked up her information on DigIcon.  The only way I can get her phone number is to open the contract file (Goods and Services Statement has it at the bottom).

By providing the phone number, it would make contacting them faster.

  • Guest
  • Jul 14 2016
I need it... Not Sure -- just thought it was cool
  • Sep 30, 2016

    Admin response


    It seems like this is already working the way you want it to work. If we have the phone number for an individual then it will show up. If there is no phone number in our system then it doesn't show up. If you use the global search to look for a policy holder it will take you to the policy details. From there you can find the phone number in the Client Summary section. If you need more assistance on this please send us an email at

  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    August 23, 2016 13:38

    Pipeline Deals would also work if all previous sales from years gone by are there, and as long as the contracts are there to view.