FDLIC to stop auto-draft when someone pays off their contract

When a person pays off their contract, they assume that FDLIC will stop the "Auto Draft" from coming out for their payment. 
Currently, a person must instruct/request/remind FDLIC to stop the auto-draft, or the draft may continue....even though the plan was fully funded.
I would like to request adding a step somewhere in the process where our staff verifies that the auto-draft has been stopped when a contract is paid off early.

(The scenario that triggered me realizing this happened recently.  Someone paid off their plan, but the draft continued for 5 months. They were very confused why FDLIC would still be drafting out the payment when it was paid off in full.)

  • Guest
  • Jun 10 2016
  • Planned
I need it... Yesterday (let's go already)
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  • Admin
    Product Team commented
    June 28, 2016 12:39

    Hi Robert,

    We are currently working to improve the entire Paid in Full process.  We are implementing new processes to catch these.  We are also automating this process at the same time, so between the two we will catch these.  I apologize for the inconvenience that this has caused. 
